Proust Effect: Going back in time with a scent

Have your memories ever taken you back to a happy place after smelling something familiar? This feeling is known as the Proust Effect, in which a scent or flavor can make you remember your past.

The power of scents

Scents can take you back to a different time in your life, reminding you of the feelings experienced in that particular moment (1). This is because the sense of smell is the only one that is connected to the neuronal structures that support emotions and memories (2).

At APoEM, we take advantage of this marvelous effect and use the technique of aromatherapy in our products. Our familiar and cozy scents are reminiscent of happy times, bringing up pleasant sensations with every use. Even if they don’t take you back memory lane, they sure will make your skincare routine a comfortable and memorable experience.

The meaning behind the Proust Effect

This dream-like experience takes its name from writer Marcel Proust and his monumental novel In Search of Lost Time.

The author writes in detail about his experience of remembrance when eating and smelling a cupcake dipped in tea. Decades later, scientific studies proved that scents can bring back memories more than any other stimuli (1).

Aromatherapy and its links to the Proust Effect

As proved before, scents can have a strong impact on our mood and our thoughts. Aromatherapy is a pleasant way to make our minds and bodies feel different sensations, from relaxation to an energy boost.

Most of our products include natural ingredients that not only benefit your skin but also your mood with their delightful scents. We use the Proust Effect to make your mind connect your skincare ritual to happy memories and comfortable experiences.

1- Chu, S., & Downes, J.J. (2000). Long live Proust: the odour-cued autobiographical memory bump.
Larsson, M., & Willander, J. (2009). Autobiographical Odor Memory.
2- Larsson, M. (2006). Smell Your Way Back to Childhood: Autobiographical Odor Memory.

Fragrances & aromatherapy: finding the safest scents

We love it when a product smells good, as scents can be a big part of our skincare routine. However, not all fragrances are equally safe, and in reality, most are harmful to your skin. 

APoEM is a natural brand, and all of our products contain 100% natural extracts and essential oils that add the benefit of aromatherapy to the different formulas.

Some fragrances could be harming your skin.

Unlike redness-prone skin or sensitive skin types, most skin types may not show any warning signs when coming in contact with fragrances. However, these harmful perfume chemicals are most likely affecting your skin even when you don’t notice it. 

Staying away from suspicious products can save your skin from dryness, allergies, and long-term reactions. At APoEm, we follow strict regulations when choosing our natural fragrances, always testing them on subjects with decision capacity and sensitive skin.

How to choose the right fragrances?

It’s difficult to know which fragrances are safe and which aren’t. Most ingredient labels only read the word “perfume” or similar and do not list all of the components. It is not required by law to specify what comes inside your fragrance, so the ingredient list may not be helpful, but a good way to stay safe is to look for brands that are 100% natural.

As we know that natural ingredients contain allergens that can be sensitizing, our products contain fragrances in really low quantities that still offer the benefit of aromatherapy but aren’t harmful. 

To give our products a whole new meaning, we decided to take our fragrances further with aromatherapy, choosing ingredients that not only smell great, but that will also enhance your mood and cleanse your soul. 

When in doubt, you can always consult our ingredient list on our web page, as well as checking whether each product is safe for pregnancy or celiacs.

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